Category Archives: composting

Too Much Compost! update

The fall leaf raking has been started and our little compost bin was way too small! The husband and son raked the front yard leaves out into the street for the city to pick up and I thought. Hey. No. We’re supposed to be retaining all of our compostable materials here onsite to build soil! So I drug a smallish ground cloth out to the street and raked all those leaves onto and pulled it around to the backyard. Into the chicken run! They did a number on those leaves, and the rain helped to beat them down as well. The picture with my son shows how high the leaves were and the next one shows the entire run covered in leaves.

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UPDATE: The last picture is an update in early May. We are continuing the “chop and drop” method with garden waste, but you can clearly see what happened to the leaves! We have not removed anything! How much lower would the dirt level be if we hadn’t added it back to their soil?

may chicken pen